Fast ForWord: FAQs

FAQs About Fast ForWord
Q: Will My Child Like Fast ForWord?
A: A child using the Fast ForWord programs to improve their language skills and their thinking ability will be presented with over 3000 individual tasks each week.
Parents often ask if their child will like the exercises enough to be motivated to complete all the exercise tasks each week. Read more.
A: Fast ForWord was developed from neuroscience research and is now widely used in schools and homes around the world. Over 2 million learners have used the programs since 1999.
Why has this program been so successful? What is unique about it? Read more.
A: Parents and teachers often ask how quickly will the results from the Fast ForWord programs be seen. Read more.
A: What happens if a child's Fast ForWord program is interrupted by holidays, illness or school camps? Read more.
Q: What if My Child Refuses to do the Exercises?
A: It's rare that a student will refuse to do their Fast ForWord exercises. But occassionally a child may be reluctant to do one or more of the exercises. So what does a parent do if their child refuses to do an exercise? Read more.
Q: Is There Evidence That It Works?
A: Is there evidence that Fast ForWord works? Are the improvements that parents and teachers see in children who have done the brain training and reading exercises actually supported by research studies? Read more.
Q: Should My Child Do the Exercises Every Day? How Long Each Day?
A: Should students should do their Fast ForWord exercises every day? Read more.How long should the exercises be done each day? Read more.
Q: Is it Suitable for My Child?
A: Can Fast ForWord build the learning capacity and reading ability of every child’s unique brain? Read more.
A: How can a parent see what the Fast ForWord brain training and reading development exercises look like? Read more.
Q: Is the American Accent a Problem?
A: Fast ForWord was developed by American neuroscientists and so has words are spoken with an American accent. Read more.
A: Learners of all ages do the Fast ForWord programs for a minimum of three months. But do they need to do the online exercises every day? Read more.
A: Click here to fill in our form to request more information. We will contact you within 24 hours. You can also call us or whatsapp at 5512-3374.
A: What changes will you see in your child after they have done the Fast ForWord brain training and reading programs? Read more.
Q: Does My Child Need Assistance to Do It?
A: When children do the Fast ForWord programs at home, do they need their parents or carers to help them with the exercises? Read more.
Q: What Happens When My Child is Finished?
A: Parents who have seen the positive changes in their children after their time working on the exercises, often ask if there are other Fast ForWord programs that can extend the gains. Read more.
FAQs for Troubleshooting Fast ForWord
Q: My headset is plugged in, but I don’t hear anything” or “Reading Assistant Plus is giving me a message; it does not seem to detect my headset.
A: Exit Reading Assistant Plus and close your browser. Plug in the headset, open your browser, and restart Reading Assistant Plus.
If you unplugged the headset after you started RA+, you may get this message. Follow the directions above to exit and restart.
Q: I’m logged in, but nothing happens when I click the GO button. The images look dull, inactive, or grayed out.
A: When you click the GO button, your assignment will open in a new window.If you click back to the assignment page, you cannot click GO again. Check for the assignment already running in another window.
Q: I’m on an iPad, but the program is not doing anything when I touch the screen.
A: Some iPads have a setting that may block our touch interaction and audio in the Safari browser. To address this, you can easily make a change in the iPad Safari settings. Mark “Request Desktop Website” to OFF.
Detailed instructions can be found here:
Q: I received an error message. What should I do?
A: Error Messages, Informational Messages, and other on screen visuals may present themselves while you work in Fast ForWord and Reading Assistant Plus. Some messages will ask you to please end your session and try again. A momentary loss of an internet connection may cause various messages.
If the messaging keeps coming up and stops you from working, please make a note of the details and relay them to you Fast ForWord Provider.
Q: I seem to be stuck on Step 1, Read to me. How do I get to Step 2, Record?
A: In Step 1, you will both listen to a recording of the selection and click on light bulb icons, to answer questions. If you find yourself stuck, please review the selection: it’s likely you’ve just missed one of these Think About It questions. After listening to the selection and answering all questions, you will automatically be taken to Step 2.
Q: What devices and browsers are supported?
A: Fast ForWord and Reading Assistant Plus, runs on the following devices, operating systems, and browsers.
Get Started Today!
Ready to get started? Wonder if Fast ForWord is a good fit for your child or student? Click here to book your appointment now! You can also call us or whatsapp at +974 5512-3374.