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Dyslexia Awareness Week 2024

Dyslexia Awareness Week 2024 (DAW24) will take place from 7 – 13 October inclusive. This year’s theme is “What’s Your Story?” It has three key messages and one call to action.

  • Chenne Daig

Top Tips For Creating A Great Learning Environment

Every educator strives to create a great learning environment for their students, but what makes it great?

  • Chenne Daig

13 Benefits of Puzzles for Child Development

Benefits of Puzzles  for Child Development

Puzzles are important for child’s development and they are crucial during the preschool and kindergarten years. Puzzles develop many skills, making them the perfect educational play activity during the early years. 

  • Chenne Daig

10 Ways to Help Your Child Understand Emotions

Social-emotional learning is a key component in teaching young children. According to research, children in preschool and kindergarten are still developing the cognitive skills to understand empathy. In order for children to grasp the concept of “empathy”, they must first be able to recognize their own emotions.


  • Chenne Daig

Did You Know? Interesting Facts about Fidget Toys

The revolutionary fidget toys are a fascinating phenomenon that has recently swept the globe. For centuries, fidget toys served as a relaxation technique for individuals. Nowadays, the toys have taken on a life of their own and are sold to children, teenagers, and adults by the thousands on a daily basis.

  • Chenne Daig

3-Step Routine to Avoid After-School Meltdowns

after-school routine

Whether your child has a meltdown in the car on the way home, on your walk home from school, or the second you walk in the door, you know you’re in for a long afternoon when the after school meltdown hits.

Now, there are some calming strategies for meltdowns that you can try once it’s happening, but we’d much rather avoid the after-school meltdown altogether!


  • Chenne Daig